Policy 3050 - Attendance


Compulsory Attendance 

Parents or guardians of any child resident in this state who has attained the age of seven but not 16 years, and who are not otherwise privately instructed, shall enroll the student in a public school or public charter school, including an online or virtual charter school or private or parochial school during a period in each year equal to that in which the public schools are in session. Parents and students shall conform to the attendance policies and regulations established by the Board. 

Whenever it is determined by the Board or the Board’s designee under the provisions of due process of law that the parents or guardians of any child who is not enrolled in the public schools are failing to meet the requirements of Idaho Code § 33-202, an authorized representative of the Board shall notify in writing the prosecuting attorney in the county of the pupil’s residence and recommend that a petition shall be filed in the magistrates division of the District Court of the county of the pupil’s residence, in such form as the court may require under the provisions of Idaho Code § 20-510. 

Attendance Policy

In order to graduate from RISE Charter School, a student must complete 52 credits. Completion of a course at the School will be defined: 1) as mastery of the material and 2) attendance to include not more than ten absences per semester. Prompt and regular attendance in school is the beginning of dependability in adult business, personal, and social life. Furthermore, regular attendance is important, because valuable skills and information gained in the classroom may or may not show up on tests or be reflected in an academic grade. The general welfare of all students is best served by regular attendance.

  1. A student will be allowed ten absences per class, per semester. Any absence beyond that number may mean a loss of credit in those subjects missed.
  2. A tardy is counted any time a student arrives to class after class has begun. Three tardies in one class will equate to one absence. 
  3. The ONLY absences that WILL NOT be used in calculating the attendance record are:
    1. Those that occur due to school-sponsored activities, since these are considered an equivalent educational experience. These exemptions will apply to students participating in sports events, cheerleading, music related events, FFA trips, academic field trips, and others deemed co-curricular.
    2. Bereavement in the immediate family (grandparent, parent, or sibling). Any extended bereavement may be reviewed by the Board;
    3. Required court appearances, or compliance with court orders; and
    4. Illness or hospitalization verified by a doctor’s statement.
  4. Absences which will be counted in the ten-day limit will include such areas as: family trips, work days, vacations, visiting friends or relatives, suspension in and out of school, watching tournaments when not an actual participant, hair, medical, dental, or photography appointments, skiing, hunting, attending concerts, shopping, or any others not mentioned which are unacceptable to the Board.
  5. After five absences from school/class, a letter will be send home to the address on file, indicating the school policy and the number of days missed.
  6. After seven absences, another letter will be sent, indicating the severity of the situation and explaining in detail the alternatives to non-compliance.
  7. After exceeding the tenth absence, the student may have credit withheld. That student, with parental accompaniment, must appear before the Board and the Executive Director or designee.
  8. This Board will review the absence report to determine if the student will have credit withheld, which will occur unless extenuating circumstances surface.
  9. The Board can, after hearing a student’s/parent’s appeal for retention of credit, deny credit or put certain stipulations on a student whose credit will be dependent upon an agreement reached with the student and parents concerning attendance for the rest of the semester.
  10. Any decision to withhold credit can be appealed to the Executive Director or designee and/or to the RISE Board. If the appeal is rejected, one can assume the Board feels the absence could have been avoided.
  11. If the appeal is not granted, the student will remain in that particular class period for the remainder of the semester or be placed in study hall. If disciplinary problems occur in that subject, the student will be suspended from school.
  12. If the appeal is granted, the student will return to class with the Board’s stipulations. If the stipulations are violated, a loss of credit will result.
  13. The Board may also decide to make decisions regarding the student’s participation in extracurricular activities.


  1. Prohibited Acts: Any person between the ages of seven (7) and sixteen (16) years of age, living in the city/county of Twin Falls who is deemed truant from school or class, under the attendance regulations of the school, without the consent of the student’s parent / guardian or school officials is guilty of a status offense. 
  2. Attendance Required: The parent or guardian of any child resident in this State who has attained the age of (7) years at the time of the commencement of school in his district, but not the age of sixteen (16) years, shall cause the child to be instructed in subjects commonly and usually taught in the public schools for the State of Idaho.  Unless the child is otherwise comparably instructed, the parent or guardian shall cause the child to attend a public, private or parochial school during a period in each year equal to that in which the public schools are in session; there to conform to the attendance policies and regulations established by the Board of Trustees, or other governing body, operating the school attended.
  3. Exceptions: Any exceptions to this requirement are as codified by any school district in which the student attended or, as contained in Idaho Code, title 33, Chapter 2 are hereby recognized and given full force and effect.

Enrollment and Attendance Records 

Since accurate enrollment and attendance records are essential both to obtain State financial reimbursement and to fulfill the Charter School’s responsibilities under the attendance laws, staff shall be diligent in maintaining such records. 

Average Daily Attendance 

A day of attendance is one in which a pupil is physically present for a full day (at least four hours for grades 1 through 12 and at least two and one-half hours for kindergarten) under the guidance and direction of a teacher or other authorized school personnel while school is in session or is a homebound student under the instruction of a teacher employed by the Charter School. 

Average Daily Attendance (ADA) is the aggregate number of days enrolled students are present divided by the number of days of school in the reporting period. Funding for the Charter School is based on ADA and must be accurate. 

Attendance Accounting 

Days present and absent for every student are to be recorded for the purpose of informing parents of a student's attendance record. 

Legal References: 
Id. Const. art. IX, § 9 Compulsory Attendance at School 
I.C. § 33-201 Attendance at Schools - School Age 
I.C. § 33-202 Attendance at Schools - School Attendance Compulsory 
I.C. § 33-207 Attendance at Schools - Proceedings against Parents or Guardians 
I.C. § 33-1001 Foundation Program — State Aid — Apportionment - Definitions 
I.C. § 33-1002 Foundation Program — State Aid — Apportionment — Educational Support Program 
I.C. § 33-5208 Public Charter Schools - Public Charter School Financial Support 
I.C. § 33-5210(3) Application of School Law - Accountability - Exemption from State Rules 
I.D.A.P.A. Day in Session When Counting Pupils in Attendance 
I.D.A.P.A. Day of Attendance – Kindergarten 
I.D.A.P.A. Day of Attendance (ADA) – Grades One Through Twelve (1-12) 

Policy History
Adopted on: June 14, 2021
Revised on: May 20, 2024
Reviewed on: February 13, 2023