Corrective Actions and Punishment
All students shall submit to the reasonable rules of the Charter School. Refusal to comply with written rules and regulations established for the governing of the School shall constitute sufficient cause for discipline, suspension, or expulsion.
For the purposes of the School's policies relating to corrective action or punishment:
- “Temporary Suspension” is the exclusion from School or individual classes for a specific period of up to five school days.
The Executive Director or the principal of the School may temporarily suspend any pupil for disciplinary reasons, including student harassment, intimidation, or bullying, or for other conduct disruptive of good order or of the instructional effectiveness of the School. Prior to suspending any student, the Executive Director or principal shall grant an informal hearing on the reasons for the suspension and the opportunity to challenge those reasons. Any pupil who has been suspended may be readmitted to the School by the Executive Director or principal who suspended him or her on reasonable conditions prescribed by the Executive Director or principal. The Board of Directors shall be notified of any temporary suspensions, the reasons for them, and the response to them.
2. “Extended Temporary Suspension” is the exclusion from School or individual classes for an additional ten school days. Only the Executive Director or the Board can extend an initial temporary suspension.
3. “Prolonged Temporary Suspension” is the exclusion from School or individual classes for an additional five school days. Only the Board can extend a temporary suspension for an additional five days and only upon a finding that immediate return to School attendance by the temporarily suspended student would be detrimental to other pupils’ health, welfare, or safety.
4. “Expulsion” is the exclusion from School. Only the Board has the authority to expel or deny enrollment to any pupil who is an habitual truant, who is incorrigible, whose conduct is such as to be continuously disruptive of School discipline or of the instructional effectiveness of the School, or whose presence is detrimental to the health and safety of other pupils or who has been expelled from another charter school or school district in the State of Idaho or any other state. The School will provide written notice of any student who is expelled or denied enrollment to the prosecuting attorney within five days of the Board’s actions.
No pupil shall be expelled nor denied enrollment without the Board having first given written notice to the parent/guardian of the pupil stating the grounds for the proposed expulsion or denial of enrollment and the time and place where such parent/guardian may appear to contest the action of the Board. The notice shall also state the rights of the pupil to be represented by counsel, to produce witnesses and submit evidence on his or her own behalf, and to cross-examine any adult witnesses who may appear against him or her. Within a reasonable period of time following such notification, the Board of Directors shall grant the pupil and his or her parents/guardian a full and fair hearing on the proposed expulsion or denial of enrollment. However, the Board shall allow a reasonable period of time between notification and the hearing to allow the pupil and his or her parents/guardian to prepare their response to the charge.
5. “Discipline” constitutes all other forms of corrective action or punishment, including brief exclusions from a class for not more than the remainder of the class period and exclusion from any other type of activity conducted by or for the School. Discipline shall not adversely affect specific academic grade, subject, or graduation requirements, as long as all required work is performed.
Except in extreme cases, students will not be expelled unless other forms of corrective action or punishment have failed, or unless there is good reason to believe that other forms of corrective action or punishment would fail if employed. Suspensions or expulsions shall be used only for instances of serious student misconduct.
Cross Reference:
3330 Student Discipline
3360 Discipline of Students with Disabilities
Legal Reference:
20 U.S.C. §§ 1400 – 82 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
I.C. § 33-205 Attendance at Schools - Denial of School Attendance
I.C. § 33-512 District Trustees - Governance of Schools
I.C. § 33-1631 Requirements for Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Information and Professional Development
Policy History:
Adopted on: June 14, 2021
Revised on: May 12, 2022,
November 18, 2021
Reviewed on: