Policy 5220 - Assignments, Reassignments, Transfers

Assignments, Reassignments, Transfers
All staff shall be subject to assignment, reassignment, and transfer of position and duties by the Board, Executive Director, supervisor, and/or other administrative staff member. Changes in assignment may also be made at the request of an employee. Assignment shall be based upon the qualifications of the candidate and the philosophy and needs of the RISE Charter School.

If a change of assignment was not requested by the employee, he or she should be consulted and have an opportunity to express his or her preferences. However, the final decision on transfer or alteration of any assignment rests with the Executive Director.

Teachers shall be assigned at the levels and in the subjects for which their certificates are endorsed. The Executive Director shall provide for a system of assignment, reassignment, and transfer of classified staff, including voluntary transfers and promotions consistent with this policy and State law. Nothing in this policy shall prevent the reassignment of a staff member during the school year.

When the Board reassigns an administrative employee to a non-administrative position, the employee shall be entitled to an informal review as described Policy 5107.

Classified Staff
The right of assignment, reassignment, and transfer shall remain that of the Executive Director. Written notice of a reassignment or involuntary transfer shall be given to the employee. Opportunity shall be given for the staff member to discuss the proposed transfer or reassignment with the Executive Director.

All teachers shall be given notice of their teaching assignments relative to grade level, building, and subject area before the beginning of the school year, recognizing that such placement could change subsequent to this initial notice, including during the course of the school year.

Cross References:
5107 Informal Review 6100-6100P Executive Director
6200 Charter School Organization

Policy History
Adopted on: July 12, 2021
Revised on:
Reviewed on: