Policy 5210 - Work Day

Work Day
For purposes of this policy, work day for certificated employees is defined as the time an employee is expected to be on the school’s premises. The Board and administration recognize that certificated teaching professionals put in hours far in excess of those hours which they are expected to be at the school; however, this excess time is not considered as part of the work day for the purposes of this policy.

Work day for classified employees is defined as the length of time of scheduled work for the individual classified employee. No work outside of this time frame is expected, required, or approved.

The length of a work day for a certified employee shall be 8 hours for a full-time certified employee. The work day is generally exclusive of lunch and extracurricular assignments, but inclusive of preparation time and assigned duties. Arrival time shall generally be one-half hour before classes begin or as otherwise directed by the Executive Director.

Other conditions pertaining to certified work day, preparation periods, lunches, etc., are found in the employee handbook approved by the Board of Directors. Such handbooks may change from time to time and a new handbook will be approved by the Board for each school year.

Length of Work Day - Classified
The length of a classified work day is governed by the number of hours for which the employee is assigned. A “full-time” employee shall be considered to be an eight hours per day, 40 hours per week employee. The work day is exclusive of lunch but inclusive of breaks unless otherwise and specifically provided for by the individual contract. The schedule will be established by the supervisor. Normal office hours in the RISE Charter School will be 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

A daily morning and afternoon rest period of 15 minutes may be available to all full-time, classified employees. Hourly personnel may take one 15 minute rest period for each four hours that are worked in a day. Breaks will normally be taken approximately in mid-morning and mid-afternoon and should be scheduled in accordance with the flow of work and with the approval of the employee’s supervisor.

Cross Reference:
§ 5810 Compensatory Time and Overtime/Classified Employees

Legal References:
29 U.S.C. § 201, et seq. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1985
29 C.F.R. Part 516 Records to be kept by Employers (Implementing FLSA)
I.D.A.P.A. Public Charter School Responsibilities

Policy History
Adopted on: July 12, 2021
Revised on:
Reviewed on: