Policy 9800 - Naming of School Facilities

Naming of School Facilities 

The RISE Charter School Board of Directors is responsible for the naming and renaming of Schools and School facilities. It is the desire of the Board that each new Charter School building or facility is given a name that lends it dignity and status. In fulfilling this responsibility, the Board will make every effort to respect community preferences. 

The naming or renaming of the School or facility may occur under the following circumstances: 

  1. When a new facility is built;
  2. When two or more facilities have the same name, one may be renamed while the other retains the original name; and
  3. When a new facility is built to replace an existing facility which will be closed. 

The following guidelines should be considered when naming a facility: 

  1. A proposed facility name may be a person, place, or thing;
  2. Proposed names should not be a person whose primary identification is of a religious nature;
  3. Distinguished persons proposed for the facility name must have been deceased for at least six months and should have made significant contributions to the community, county, state, or nation;
  4. A person’s moral character should also be considered;
  5. Persons proposed for the facility name shall not be a relative of any employee or School Board Member; and
  6. Geographic names may also be considered. These names should be clearly identifying and widely known.


Policy History
Adopted on: August 16, 2021
Revised on: 
Reviewed on: