Policy 9700 - Asbestos Program

Asbestos Program

It is the intent of the Charter School that the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and all of its amendments, alterations, and changes be complied with by all School employees, vendors, and contractors.

The Charter School shall develop and continually update an asbestos management plan for the School, including all buildings that they lease, own, or otherwise use as School buildings, and submit the plan to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality for approval. A copy of the Charter School’s plan shall also be kept at the School and made available to the public for review. The School shall notify parents, teachers, employees, and employee organizations (in writing) of the availability of management plans. The management plan shall include a description of the steps taken to notify such groups and a dated copy of the notification.

After an initial inspection of the Schools to identify possible asbestos-containing building materials, the School shall conduct an inspection every three years to determine whether the condition of known or assumed asbestos-containing building materials has changed and will make recommendations on managing or removing the materials. These inspections and any response actions must be performed by trained, licensed professionals. Every six months, the School will survey the condition of these materials to assure that they remain in good condition. Forms for noting the condition of these materials shall be included in the management plan.

The School will train all maintenance and custodial staff on asbestos and how to deal with it, and notify short-term or temporary workers on the locations of the asbestos-containing building materials. Such training will be conducted within 60 days of hire. Warning labels will be posted in routine maintenance areas where asbestos was previously identified or assumed. The School will ensure that plans and procedures to minimize the disturbance of asbestos-containing building materials are set and followed. 

The Executive Director or his or her designee shall be trained and designated as the person responsible for ensuring that these requirements are implemented.


Legal References:
15 U.S.C. § 2650        Asbestos Contractors and Local Education Agencies
40 C.F.R. § 763.93     Asbestos Management Plans 

Policy History
Adopted on: August 16, 2021
Revised on:
Reviewed on: