Policy 9705 - Hazard Mitigation

Hazard Mitigation 

Chemistry Lab Disposal

The Board of Directors shall strive to ensure the safety of Charter School students and staff. All students and staff shall practice proper and safe disposal of toxic hazards. Toxic hazards exist in substances used in the School such as in laboratories, science classrooms, and kitchens; in the cleaning of School buildings, buses, and equipment; and the maintenance of School grounds. 

This policy primarily focuses on chemistry lab waste disposal. Teachers should instruct students, ensure that no experiment will be dangerous if safe procedures are followed throughout, and ensure that proper precautions are taken to avoid contaminating the environment. 

Chemical Waste

All laboratory work with chemicals eventually produces chemical waste. Staff and students associated with the science laboratory share responsibility to minimize the amount of waste produced and to dispose of chemical waste in a way that has the least impact on the environment. Depending upon what is contained in the waste, some waste must be professionally incinerated or deposited in designated landfills, while other waste can be neutralized or discharged.

Waste Storage Prior to Disposal

All waste should be stored in properly labeled containers. The label should contain the date, type of waste, and any other pertinent information required by the disposal company. Waste should be segregated to avoid unwanted reactions and to allow for cost-effective disposal. Waste should be stored in closed containers except when additional waste is being added. The School science department should maintain a central, secure waste storage area. 

Disposing of Waste

Teachers should be aware of the appropriate method of disposal for any chemical used in the School laboratory. Teachers should make disposal options a part of all laboratory instructions for students. For chemical waste produced, teachers should instruct students as to the appropriate method of disposal, including disposing of the substance in a disposal container or down the drain. 


Policy History
Adopted on: August 16, 2021
Revised on: 
Reviewed on: