Policy 9500 - Security


Security means not only maintenance of buildings, but also protection from fire hazards and faulty equipment and safe practices in the use of electrical, plumbing, and heating equipment. The Board requires close cooperation with local police, fire, and sheriff departments and with insurance company inspectors to do safety programs and training to ensure employees are using safe practices.

Access to School buildings and grounds outside of regular school hours shall be limited to staff whose work requires access. An adequate key control system shall be established which shall limit access to buildings to authorized staff and shall safeguard against the potential entry of unauthorized persons.

Records and funds shall be kept in a safe place and under lock and key when required.

Locks and other protective devices designed to be used as safeguards against illegal entry and vandalism shall be installed when appropriate to the individual situation. Employment of security guards may be approved in situations where special risks are involved. All incidents of vandalism and burglary shall be reported to the Executive Director or designee immediately and to law enforcement agencies as appropriate.


Cross Reference:        
§ 9300                               Operation and Maintenance of Charter School Facilities

Policy History
Adopted on: August 16, 2021
Revised on: 
Reviewed on: