December 9, 2024 Agenda

School Board Meeting Agenda
December 9th, 2024  -  6:30 PM
203 Center Street West Kimberly, Idaho 83341
Room 90, Makerspace

Courtesy Zoom Login:


Board Members:

Steven Paulsen - Chairman
Eli Cann – Vice Chairman
Lacee Clinger – Treasurer
Dusti Jensen – Board Director
Jonathan Butler – Board Director
Heidi Child – Executive Director
Ailie Maclean– Board Clerk 

* Pledge of Allegiance 

* Approve Agenda - Action

* Consent Agenda - Items Routine in Nature - Action

  1. Routine Expenditures and Invoices – November
  2. Petty Cash Verification – November

* Old Business

  1. Review Board Calendar
  2. Approve Policy 3265 Student-Owned Electronic Communications Devices               Action
  3. Approve or Deny Student Council Proposal                                                             Action

* New Business            

  1. Approve November Meeting Minutes                                                                       Action
  2. Update Policy 2240; Class Size                                                                                   Action
  3. Update Policy 2230                                                                                                    Action
  4. Review Policy 2500                                                                                                     Action
  5. Approve Open Enrollment Dates for YR 25-26 Lottery                                              Action
  6. Request to KSD board to purchase Modular Classroom                                            Action

* Director Report

  1. RISE Highlight
  2. Questions or Comments
